Atención: Foro y web cerrados en modo lectura.Tras 21 años online, hemos dejado de actualizar la web y el foro, aquí tenéis la información ¡Muchas gracias por vuestro apoyo!
apt-cache search vnc
conspy - Remote control of Linux virtual consolesdirectvnc - VNC client using the framebuffer as displayiprelay - User-space bandwidth shaping TCP proxy daemonkcemirror - Windows CE remote control tool like VNCkrdc - Remote Desktop Connection for KDEkrfb - Desktop Sharing for KDElibsvncpp-dev - Subversion C++ library (development files)libsvncpp0c2a - Subversion C++ shared librarylibsvnqt3 - Qt wrapper library for subversionlibvncauth-dev - Virtual network computing authentication headers and static liblibvncauth0 - Virtual network computing authentication librarylibvncserver-dev - easy API to write one's own VNC serverlinuxvnc - VNC server to monitor a ttyscreenkast - Record your activities on the screensvncviewer - virtual network computing client software for SVGAtightvncserver - virtual network computing server softwaretkvnc - Displays a list of (defined) machines to start VNC totsclient - front-end for viewing of remote desktops in GNOMEvino - VNC server for GNOMEvnc-common - Virtual network computing server softwarevnc4-common - Virtual network computing server softwarevnc4server - Virtual network computing server softwarevncommand - VNC server which monitors a specified programvncserver - Virtual network computing server softwarevncsnapshot - A utility that takes JPEG snapshots from VNC serversvtgrab - A VNC like console monitoringx11vnc - VNC server which uses your current X11 sessionx2vnc - A dual-screen hack - link an MS-Windows and X displayxtightvncviewer - virtual network computing client software for Xxvnc4viewer - Virtual network computing client software for Xxvncviewer - Virtual network computing client software for Xxwnc - Mix of Xvnc and XDarwin with improved protocoltightvnc-java - TightVNC java applet and command line programvnc-java - VNC java applet and command line program
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